Water Crisis in Pakistan and its possible solutions


Water crisis in Pakistan and its possible solutions

Pakistan is facing a serious threat of water shortage which may become dangerous and uncontrolled if proper steps are not taken to deal with this particular situation. Water is the most essential necessity for survival. About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. However, only 3% of the water is freshwater which too is not safe to drink as it may be contaminated. The water level is gradually decreasing in Pakistan over a period of time. However, the demand for it is rising because of the growth in population, the growth of industries, and the agricultural sector.

According to the IMF, UNDP AND PCRWR, Pakistan has been ranked third among-st the countries that are facing water shortage at an extreme level and are at a dire need to conserve water before it depletes. There are certain factors that have a direct impact on the water shortage in Pakistan.


The climatic changes i.e. increase in the temperature due to global warming causes evaporation and precipitation. Now one wonders shouldn’t that increase the supply of water, however, that’s where we are wrong. The higher the temperature, the lower the moisture in soil, the faster the evaporation, hence more demand for water, especially in the agricultural sector. Heat waves and drought are the result of the climatic change in Pakistan. Himalayan glaciers, which feed much of Pakistan’s water supply, are melting rapidly. This leaves much less water on the whole. Riverbeds are drying up across the country too.


Another factor is the level of pollution. Pollution is a necessary evil that comes with the developmental strategies towards progression. But, not everyone agrees with it. Why? Well, because the costs associated with it outweighs the benefits. Power plants and factories discharge waste materials and dump them into the water that causes water pollution, which does not just affect the marine life but the human life as well.

Summing it up, we have immense demand, aggressive consumption, and inefficient use. The end result is the intense water crisis.


Conserving water is to help preserve our environment.


Making people aware of the problem is the first step to solving it. We should educate the masses about the importance of water by carrying out campaigns in schools specifically. It is everyone’s business to ensure that these precious resources are used carefully and in a responsible manner so that the future generations could have access to it.


Advancements in technology can also help to conserve water at great lengths. Water saving devices should be installed to reduce water wastage in houses, offices and schools. Since we are an agro based economy, agriculture (farming and irrigation) uses most of the water, we should make efforts to ensure that the irrigation should be done in a manner where crops are nurtured but require less water to grow and flourish. We should also start making use of efficient methods of irrigation like Sprinklers, Basin and Drip irrigation.


Our government should also make an effort to build more reservoirs and dams to hold water. Dams are constructed for a specific purpose such as water supply, flood control, irrigation, navigation, sedimentation control, and hydro power. Hence, the construction of Diamer Bhasha Dam, Mohmand Dam would perhaps help to avert the water shortage crisis in Pakistan.

Hence, we as a nation should take initiative and save water from depletion.




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